DfE Performance Tables
The DfE Performance Tables are updated each year in the Autumn Term with unvalidated data. Validated data is published during the following Spring term and give a full picture of the school performance for the most recent full academic year.
The current data available shows the provisional performance tables for the academic year 2023/2024.
The link below also provides official data on student destinations for post 16 and post 18.
Financial Information
You can view schools financial benchmarking information provided by the Department for Education.
Under DfE guidelines, the school is required to publish the number of individuals earning over £100,000. This does not apply to any staff at King Edward VI School, Lichfield.
Under DfE guidelines, the school is required to publish the details of the amount of time taken off by staff who are union officials. This does not apply to any staff at King Edward VI School, Lichfield.
King Edward VI School - Schools Financial Benchmarking Service