Christmas Cake Competition

Last week our Year 9 students took part in a House Christmas Cake Decorating Competition.
They had the ingredients and recipe to make a chocolate swiss roll, which was the technical challenge element of the competition.
Then they had £7.50 to spend on ingredients of their own choice to decorate the swiss roll using a Christmas theme.
Two sixth form students were assigned to each house team. One sixth form student judged the other Houses and one helped their own house produce the cake.
The overall judges were Mrs Forster (Headteacher) and Mr Cotton (Deputy Headteacher). They awarded points on skills and techniques, overall design and originality and finally, taste. They took into account the sixth formers comments and then points were added up to decide the winner.
The results were:
- First Place - Darwin
- Second Place - Clinton
- Third Place - Addison
- Fourth Place - Garrick
Well done to everyone involved, all the cakes looked fantastic!