World Book Day 2025

Celebrating World Book Day!
As a school that promotes a love of reading, we always celebrate World Book Day! Students have received a book token and they were invited to a lunchtime celebration in the library on Thursday 6th March 2025.
Former student Sarah Hartley has visited the school to talk about her novel Inkspy and she has designed a competition - Design a Spy Gadget! The competition is open to all students and will be judged by Sarah herself in April 2025.
At lunch, students had a go at other spy related activities - code cracking, a geo-quiz and 'Guess the Emoji Book Title' quiz. There was also an opportunity to take a free WBD book.
Students have been given book tokens - make sure they are swapped for a fantastic free book! More info about the tokens and where to obtain your free book is here: World Book Day.