Year 9 Ski Trip to Italy

On Friday 14 February 2025, 47 Year 9 students and 6 members of staff embarked on a 31-hour coach journey to Pinzolo in Italy! 31 hours…you did read that correctly!
It was a week full of excitement, laughter, sunshine, excellent skiing and memories to last a lifetime. The sunshine was out from the moment we arrived and it stayed all week and this provided the students with incredible views to take in and a lot of photo opportunities.
The students got to ski for 5 days around the slopes of Pinzolo. For some people this was their first experience skiing and there was no better time to do it, with their friends and in the best conditions they could have asked for. The students were full of stories each day they came back from skiing, whether it was a dramatic fall or someone failing to get on or off a chairlift! Another skiing hot topic was the phone app which tracked student’s top speed!
We had some free time in the evenings and the students were able to explore Pinzolo. On Sunday, the students went ice skating, which almost proved as dangerous as the skiing itself. On Tuesday night, we all went to an authentic pizzeria and the students were very well looked after. This was the day of Charlie Thomas’ birthday and the whole party sang ‘happy birthday’ and he was able to blow out some candles on a cake. A visit to the local co-op was probably a highlight for some of the students. The idea of going to a shop without parents/carers and a decent sum of money in their pockets, you can only imagine what they were buying! Maybe that contributed to some of the slightly later nights…
From the minute the students set foot on the coach, to the moment they were collected by parents on Friday 21 February 2025, they were impeccably behaved throughout. All staff members commented on this and we agreed they were one of the best bunch of students we have taken away. They were an absolute pleasure. I hope they will remember the visit for years to come.
A final thanks to the parents/carers that enabled the students to have such an amazing opportunity.
Mr Tizard