Students Shine on A-Level Results Day

15 Aug 24
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Students receiving their post-16 results at King Edward VI school are a generation fully prepared to make the most of their futures. A total of 179 Sixth Formers collected their results today, with the leadership team praising the hard work and resilience of the students. Headteacher Jane Rutherford said that despite the challenges the past few years had posed to their education, the group are more than ready for their next steps.

“Students are taking up courses to become vets, doctors, teachers, mechanical engineers, psychologists, accountants, lawyers, paramedics and a whole range of other professions," she said.



Student outcomes are very strong, the vast majority of those keen to go to university have been accepted on to their chosen courses across the United Kingdom, including Cambridge, Cardiff, Nottingham, Sheffield, Bristol and London, with students making practical choices about what they would like to do going forwards. Whether students are going on to apprenticeships, employment, gap years or university, we wish them every success.

The school is particularly proud of the exceptional achievements of its students, with over 40% of students achieving at least one grade A* or, A or Distinction. Furthermore, 15 students achieved grades A* and/or A in all their subjects.

Catharine Forster, Deputy Headteacher, said:

We are delighted at the results, students, families and staff should all feel proud at what they have achieved. The collective efforts of all involved has been key to the successes of students.

Mr Butler, Head of Sixth Form said:

We are incredibly proud of all the young people who have worked so hard to achieve their grades. There have been fantastic successes at all levels and there have been some lovely conversations with students and their parents as they reflect on their results and their plans for the future. Well done to all of our students – and a big thank you to staff and parents for their ongoing support.