
Not everything that counts can be counted. Not everything that can be counted counts.
Albert Einstein
There are two ways to do great mathematics. The first is to be smarter than everybody else. The second way is to be stupider than everybody else but persistent.
Raoul Bott
A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein

The Mathematics Department     

In the Mathematics department we believe maths is for everyone! We combine engaging activities which are differentiated for students of all abilities with high quality resources in order for our students to reach their full potential. Our curriculum is driven by Functional Mathematics to enable students to experience Mathematics in a variety of real world concepts and to embed problem-solving into our lessons to stimulate challenging minds.

Curriculum Overview

Overall Intent

To inspire students to become life-long learners and achieve mastery across core numerical processes. We want to enable curious minds with problems of desirable difficulty, whilst supporting those who need more scaffolding in their learning, in order for all students to achieve their maximum potential. Our goal is to instil a passion for mathematics in our students and to develop skills for life, confidence and ultimately enjoyment of the subject. 

Embedding Literacy 

It is vitally important that students can present a mathematical argument clearly, showing clear logical steps and by using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Within our curriculum, we will model how to form a logical proof, such as forming an angle proof, using systematic steps, giving a reason using key words at every stage. Students also have the opportunity to form a written argument by making comparisons and explaining the limitations behind a mathematical model, with staff modelling good practice. By embedding problem solving into our lessons we create opportunities for students to read and extract key information and then encourage fluent mathematical literacy, within clear logical steps for presenting their working out and solutions. 

Encouraging Independence 

Our aim is to create learners that are motivated to further their learning beyond the classroom. Students will be encouraged to complete pieces of work that focus on retrieval of key skills that have been modelled in lessons, to embed knowledge to long-term memory. Our aim is to also get students using multiple areas of maths needed to tackle problem solving questions, where students will create their own independent solutions.  


Students across the school are encouraged to take part in the UKMT maths challenge which we enter every year, allowing students to work independently on problem solving activities or as part of a group in the team challenge. We also take part in the Big Maths Feast every year and have had external speakers visit the school to inspire students with where maths can take them beyond the classroom. 

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Key Stage 4 Curriculum


The following members of staff form the Maths department at King Edwards:


Staff Member Job Title
Mrs N Cooper Joint Head of Maths
Mrs K Naylor  Joint Head of Maths
Miss E Coxon 2nd in Maths
Mr A Hayward  Key Stage Coordinator 
Mr P Cotton Assistant Headteacher and Teacher of Maths
Mrs R Booker  Learning Hub Manager and Teacher of Maths
Mrs J Cheatham Teacher of Maths
Mr J Coombes Teacher of Maths
Mr A Cottier-Cooper Teacher of Maths
Mrs L Dove Teacher of Maths
Mrs A Dowen Teacher of Maths
Mrs R Jermine Teacher of Maths
Mrs L Taylor Teacher of Maths
Miss J Williamson Teacher of Maths

Independent Study

Website Information 
Sparx Maths Maths homework online
Corbett Maths Worksheets and revision videos on all topics
Seneca Learning Online tutorials and sample questions for GCSE mathematics 
Maths Genie Graded exam questions filtered by topic and grade with solutions
Access Maths Varied revision resources from revision mats, revision grids, fill in the blanks and revision cards 
On Maths Interactive GCSE papers 
AQA website Past papers and mark schemes 

Extra Curricular Activities 

There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities we offer in the maths department. Our more able students get the chance to compete in the UKMT Mathematics Challenge run by Leeds University and additionally we enter a team in the Senior Team Challenge. We also run a variety of revision, drop-in and intervention sessions during the school day.

Numeracy Handbook

The numeracy handbook is designed to give guidance to staff, parents and students. It covers the methods used by the Maths department and throughout the school. It is hoped that by having a consistent approach to these fundamental skills it will be easier for students to transfer these skills across the curriculum, and make greater progress.

Numeracy Handbook