Child Development and Care in the Early Years

Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained, and delighted.
Dr. Seuss
Children are our greatest treasure. They are our future.
Nelson Mandela
Play is the work of childhood.
Jean Piaget


This qualification is designed for learners who want an introduction to child development and care that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to pursue a career in the early years sector or progress onto further study. The study of child development and care in the early years involves gaining an understanding of child development in the early years, influences on a child’s development, care routines, early years provision, legislation and the role of observations and planning.


This NCFE Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years is a Level 1/Level 2 course, which is designed to match the rigour and challenge of GCSE study. This qualification has been designed to sit alongside the requirements of core GCSE subjects and is appropriate for learners who are motivated and challenged by learning through practical opportunities and experiences. 

Learners are encouraged to apply their knowledge and work through a range of case studies that will challenge them to problem solve and relate their understanding of the early years practitioner role and child development. The qualification has two assessments externally set by NCFE: one Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) and one written Examined Assessment (EA). 


A Child Development and Care in the Early Years learner should:

  • Develop as effective independent learners
  • Use specialist vocabulary; effectively and confidently utilise appropriate terminology in written work and verbally
  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of Child Development and Care in the Early Years; developing an understanding of how research and theory can help to explain the practical and technical skills required to support the care and development of children within the early years
  • Take a critical approach to evidence, developing as reflective thinkers
  • Develop knowledge of the contribution of Child Development and Care in the Early Years to individuals, government, culture and society


Curriculum - Key Stage 4