
Key Stage 4 Curriculum and Pathways

This is an important time for students and we recommend they make the most of this time between now and 3rd March 2025 to consider their options carefully. Students will study up to ten Level 2 courses and it is important when considering these courses for students to choose a balanced programme. They should consider future career choices and make sure they are not limiting their options later on.

Year 9 Options Preference Form 

The Four Curriculum Pathways

There are four pathways for students and they will be allocated their pathway depending upon prior attainment and application across Key Stage 3. It is really important for us as a school to get students on the most suitable pathway to enable them to maximise progress across Key Stage 4.

Students will be informed of their pathway at the beginning of February. When completing the Options Form online you will be required to select the appropriate pathway, it is really important that the correct pathway is chosen otherwise students may need to resubmit options after the 3rd March, by which time some courses may already be full.

             K          –           Accelerated Pathway

             E          –           Core Pathway 1

             V          –           Core Pathway 2

             I           –           Core Pathway 3

All pathways contain some compulsory elements and some optional elements. The compulsory elements are outlined below as Core Subjects and these are dictated by the National Curriculum. These subjects are:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Modern Foreign Languages *
  • Religious Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Personal Health and Social Education
  • Work Related Learning and Enterprise

Those students completing the Accelerated route will study Triple as opposed to Combined Science and in order to accommodate this, there will be a slight reduction in the number of lessons for Maths, English and Religious Studies. Please see the pathway tables for the number of allocated lessons.

* Students on the V and I pathway get some choice in whether they complete a language.

Pathway K

The Accelerated Pathway provides the opportunity for students to gain ten Level 2 qualifications. The choices for those on Pathway K are:

Core/Option Subject Lessons  Qualification
Core English Language  4 1 GCSE
Core English Literature  4 1 GCSE
Core Mathematics  7 1 GCSE
Core Biology  4 1 GCSE
Core Chemistry  4 1 GCSE
Core Physics  4 1 GCSE
Core French or German 5 1 GCSE
Core Religious Studies 3 1 GCSE
Option 1 See options table   5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification
Option 2 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification

Non Examination subjects

Core/Option Subject Lessons
Core Physical Education 4
Core Work related learning and enterprise across subjects through calendared events  
Core Personal Health and Social Education, including Careers and Citizenship 1

Open Options subjects

Subject Qualification
Art and Design GCSE
Business GCSE
D&T - Design and Technology  GCSE
D&T - Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE
Geography GCSE
Health and Social Care BTEC
History GCSE
ICT - Computer Science  GCSE
ICT - Media Studies  GCSE
MFL - Second Language - French or German GCSE
Music GCSE
Performing Arts BTEC
Physical Education GCSE

Students currently studying both French AND German wishing to continue in two languages should choose the option Second Language as part of their Open Options.

Pathway E

Those students on Core Pathway E will complete nine GCSEs and will have additional time for some core subjects. The options for those on Pathway E are:

Core/Option Subject Lessons  Qualification
Core English Language  5 1 GCSE
Core English Literature  4 1 GCSE
Core Mathematics  8 1 GCSE
Core Combined Science 9 2 GCSE's
Core French or German 5 1 GCSE
Core Religious Studies 4 1 GCSE
Option 1 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification
Option 2 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification

Non Examination subjects

Core/Option Subject Lessons
Core Physical Education 4
Core Work related learning and enterprise across subjects through calendared events  
Core Personal Health and Social Education, including Careers and Citizenship 1

Open Options subjects

Subject Qualification
Art and Design GCSE
Business GCSE
Child Development and Care in the Early Years  NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award
D&T - Design and Technology  GCSE
D&T - Engineering Manufacture Cambridge National 
D&T - Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE
Geography GCSE
Health and Social Care BTEC
History GCSE
ICT - Computer Science GCSE
ICT - Media Studies GCSE
MFL - Second Language - French or German GCSE
Music GCSE
Performing Arts BTEC
Physical Education GCSE

Students currently studying both French AND German wishing to continue in two languages should choose the option Second Language as part of their Open Options.

Pathway V

Those students on Core Pathway V will choose between French, German, Geography or History as their first option. The options for those on Pathway V are:

Core/Option Subject Lessons  Qualification
Core English Language  5 1 GCSE
Core English Literature  4 1 GCSE
Core Mathematics  8 1 GCSE
Core Combined Science 9 2 GCSE's
Core Religious Studies 4 1 GCSE
Core French, German, History or Geography 5 1 GCSE
Option 1 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification
Option 2 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification

Non Examination subjects

Core/Option Subject Lessons
Core Physical Education 4
Core Work related learning and enterprise across subjects through calendared events  
Core Personal Health and Social Education, including Careers and Citizenship 1

Open Options subjects

Subject Qualification
Art and Design GCSE
Business GCSE
Child Development and Care in the Early Years NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award
D&T - Design and Technology  GCSE
D&T - Engineering Manufacture Cambridge National 
D&T - Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE
Geography GCSE
Health and Social Care BTEC
History GCSE
ICT - Media Studies GCSE
Music GCSE
Performing Arts BTEC
Physical Education GCSE

Pathway I

Those students on Core Pathway I are mainly those students who need further educational support in Key Stage 4. All students will have three open options; however, they may be approached by the Learning Support Department for continued support in place of one subject at Key Stage 4. The options for those on Pathway I are:

Core/Option Subject Lessons  Qualification
Core English Language  5 1 GCSE
Core English Literature  4 1 GCSE
Core Mathematics  8 1 GCSE
Core Combined Science 9 2 GCSE's
Core Religious Studies 4 1 GCSE
Option 1 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification
Option 2 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification
Option 3 See options table 5 1 GCSE or Level 2 Qualification

Non Examination subjects

Core/Option Subject Lessons
Core Physical Education 4
Core Work related learning and enterprise across subjects through calendared events  
Core Personal Health and Social Education, including Careers and Citizenship 1

Open Options subjects

Subject Qualification
Art and Design GCSE
Business GCSE
Child Development and Care in the Early Years NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award
D&T - Engineering Manufacture Cambridge National
D&T - Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE
Geography GCSE
History GCSE
ICT - Media Studies GCSE
Music GCSE
Performing Arts BTEC
Physical Education GCSE