Admission Arrangements

Year 7

Most students join the school from local primary schools at the age of 11 (Year 7) through the Local Authority’s admission arrangements for secondary schools which King Edward VI School, Lichfield has adopted.

The majority of students who are admitted to King Edward VI School, Lichfield, live within the school’s catchment area. Places are usually offered to students who reside outside the catchment area, where numbers in any year group fall below the planned admission number, which is currently 250.

Staffordshire County Council manages all applications for students wishing to join the school in Year 7. All places are allocated in line with the local authority’s admission arrangements.

Arriving at a new school is an exciting time for students. We want new students to feel at home as quickly as possible and work closely with partner schools to ensure a smooth transition from primary to secondary school. This enables students to transfer without undue difficulty and to settle quickly to the routines of secondary school.


All students who have been offered a Year 7 place attend school for two full days before the term begins. This provides Year 6 students with the opportunity to become familiar with their new environment during a normal busy school day. Following this induction, a presentation evening for parents of these students will take place to give more detailed information before they are admitted in September. 

As part of the admissions process, a student information pack is provided for parents, covering all aspects of school life. An email will be sent with links to admission forms for parents/carers to complete and submit online by the deadline given. Details of school uniform are also provided. The school is committed to high standards of uniform and all students are expected to wear their uniform well, as a clear indication of their belonging to the school and commitment to its standards.

Working with partner schools

We make contact with a student’s former school prior to the date of admission and request educational records.

In the case of students joining Year 7 in September, we work with other schools in the spring and summer terms to ensure transfer information is passed on.

For students who join the school at other times, individual arrangements are made for admission and induction. New students and their parents will usually be invited to visit the school and meet a member of the Senior Leadership Team and their Achievement Leader.

A student guide is also allocated to each new arrival to help them to find their way around during the first few days of their time here.

Pastoral Arrangements

Students are placed into one of nine mixed ability tutor groups (average size 27) after consultation with primary school staff.

Each group is allocated a tutor who is responsible for overseeing the progress, welfare and development of each student in the group. Tutors remain with their group for the full five years of compulsory schooling. Tutors meet their tutor groups daily for registration, once per fortnight for a tutor period and once per week for an assembly.

Sixth Form

Admission to the school’s large Sixth Form does not depend upon catchment area and places are usually offered on the basis of references, an interview and the successful achievement of the school’s admissions criteria which vary according to the courses selected. For further information on entry to the Sixth Form, please contact our Sixth Form Administrator.

In-year admissions

Parents wishing to seek information about an in year admission to any of the year groups in the school (Year 7 to Year 11) should contact the school at: in the first instance.

All places are allocated in line with the local authority’s admission arrangements. The school does not hold a waiting list for places in any year group. Staffordshire hold a waiting list for places in Year 7 until 31 December. This is based on the admissions criteria set by the local authority.

Admission to a School Form - other than the Normal Age of Entry (In-Year Admission)

Open evening

An Open Evening is held annually in the Summer Term for parents / carers of Year 5 children. The purpose of this meeting is to give students and parents an initial opportunity to look around the school, to hear more about our ethos and the opportunities which we offer and to ask questions. Information regarding this meeting is communicated via local schools and dates are advertised on our website.