
To report a student absence

Relating to illness, late arrival or medical appointment 

Attendance Matters

Text: 07860 034183 before 8.30am with the following information: 

  • Student name
  • Tutor group
  • Reason for absence
  • Estimated length of absence

Attendance Matters

Regular and punctual attendance at school is not only a legal requirement but helps to ensure that students are able to make the most of their educational experience, realise their full potential and get the best possible start to their adult life.

Missing time from school can lead to students falling behind in their studies; arriving late to school disrupts teaching routines and can affect the learning of others.

As a school we ask that students achieve at least 96% attendance. We recognise for some this may be a challenging target, therefore we will provide additional support to students and their families to encourage excellent attendance.

The tables below indicate how much learning time is lost as a result of poor attendance/punctuality. Even at 95% attendance a student has missed 10 days of teaching over a school year.


Attendance %               Days absent over a school year
95 10
90 19
85 28
80 38


Minutes late every day Days of education lost per year
5 3
15 10
30 19

Leave of absence request

Leave of absence refers to any pre-planned absence from school (part lesson, lesson, full or part day) that is for a reason other than one related to time off for medical appointments or illness. Leave of absence should be applied for by completing the online form at least 5 days in advance of the absence; a separate form should be completed for each student. A formal response will be sent to parents/carers.

Leave of Absence Request Form 

Please note that the above applies to all students, including those in Sixth Form.

If a student needs to leave school for any reason during the school day, they must have a note from home, which they should ask their form tutor to sign and date. They should show this to their teacher when leaving their lesson and Student Reception when they sign out. Students MUST NOT leave the premises without the permission of the school.

Frequently asked questions

The answer to most queries can be found below or within the Attendance Policy and supporting documents.

Absences may be unauthorised for a number of reasons. 

Failure to follow the absence reporting process may result in an unauthorised absence. Please ensure all absences are reported before 8:30am, this includes illness - including symptoms, lateness with reason and medical appointments. Please provide medical evidence, when requested.

Authorisation for a pre-planned absence should be sought by completion of a Leave of Absence Form at least 5 days prior to the required absence. Retrospective authorisation cannot be given.

When attendance is below 90% or where there is an unusual pattern or concerning number of absences, we may unauthorise absence.

Schools are required to take an attendance register twice a day. Each school day has two session marks available.

This is usually the result of an unsubmitted register. We have a continual register checking and updating process and any issues are usually resolved as part of this process. 

Please text the absence line with the date and time of the appointment along with time and method of collection.

Copies of appointment letters cannot be sent via the text line and should be emailed to This can be done in advance.

To ensure a punctual departure from lessons, please also supply a note to be shown to the teacher and Student Reception when signing out. Failure to follow this process may result in delays when signing out.