GO 4 Schools

Go 4 Schools logo

GO 4 Schools is a ‘real time’ online school data system which gives parents and students quick and easy access to:


A summary of the timetable for that particular day with a link to view the full timetable.


Attendance data

Shown from the start of the academic year up until the previous day and breaking down authorised and unauthorised absences.



A summary and further breakdown of all behaviour events, positive and negative.



Target, projected and selected assessment grades (Years 9 – 13 only).



Students receive one written progress report during the academic year.


GO 4 Schools is also used to send notifications about lunchtime and afterschool detentions together with weekly behaviour updates.

How do I access this information?

GO 4 schools can be accessed via a web browser or the free to access app.  Please note that the app does not contain all of the information that you are able to see online. Parents/carers and students should set up their own separate accounts with GO 4 Schools to ensure that important information is not missed. Parent/carer access is based on the main email address that is listed on our student database. Student access is based on their school email address.

Web Access

Web Access information

App Access

App access information

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents/carers, staff and students have quick access to important information.  Staff can track progress, achievement and behaviour more efficiently leading to faster recognition of success, and more timely use of interventions where required.

In addition to school staff, only a parent/carer or the student themselves.

Satchel One (previously known as Show My Homework) will remain as the method of communicating work set outside of face to face lessons.

There is a “Forgotten Password?” link on both the parent and student login pages; click on the link and follow the instructions. School does not manage and is not able to access passwords. If you are trying to use an email address other than the main email address that is registered with the school this will not be recognised by GO, you will not be able to log in.

Please either communicate the change via the link on the GO 4 Schools settings page or email studentdetails@keslichfield.org.uk with your new email address. It may take a few days for the change to take effect.

You will not be able to access GO 4 Schools until after your child has started with us. Please be aware that it may take a few days after they have started for your child to access the system. Students starting with us in Year 7 in September will be shown how to access GO during lesson time.

Please email any queries regarding GO 4 Schools or your child to office@keslichfield.org.uk. Your email will be forwarded to the most appropriate member of staff to deal with the query.

Reporting letters 2024/25

Year 11 Report Letter - February 2025

Year 13 Report Letter - February 2025

Year 12 Report Letter - December 2024

Year 9 Reporting Letter - December 2024

Year 10 Report Letter - December 2024

Annual Reporting Calendar