Information Evenings

Throughout the year we arrange opportunities for parents to visit the school for a range of information evenings. These are designed to share key information with parents about school life and supporting students. Any resources from these forums will be available on this page.

Year 7

Presentation evening - 19 September 2024

Year 7 presentation

Year 8

Presentation evening - 3 October 2024

Presentation will be uploaded after event

Year 9

Presentation evening - 23 January 2024

Year 9 Options Presentation

Year 10

Presentation evening - 10 January 2024

Year 10 Presentation 

Year 11

Presentation evening - 8 October 2024

Presentation will be uploaded after event

Year 12 

Presentation evening - 24 October 2024

Presentation will be uploaded after event

Year 13

Presentation Evening - 17 September 2024

Year 13 Presentation