Transition from Primary School
The information below is for students joining us in September 2025. Mrs H Ridgway is the Transition Coordinator and Mr J Whitehurst is the Achievement Leader for 2025.
Transition days
Year 6 transition days will take place on 24th and 25th June 2025. There will also be a parents information evening on 25th June 2025 at 6pm.
- Day 1: Arrive at 9:15am. School ends at 3:15pm
- Day 2: Arrive at your allocated classroom (as given during day 1) by 8:50am at the latest. School ends at 3:15pm
Break and Lunch
Year 6 students will be able to purchase food from our food outlet at break and lunch time over the two days.
Please bring cash in for this. Alternatively, they can bring in a packed lunch. Please ensure they bring a drink in with them.
- Year 6 students are to wear their current primary school uniform
- On first day, bring in current P.E kit and only those who do not have P.E on that day will need to bring it in on second day
- On both days Year 6 students will need a pencil case, notebook, drink, money, lunch (if not buying from our food outlet)
Going from a small primary school to a large secondary school like ours is a big change. Pupils are expected to be more independent, self-reliant and self-organised. Most pupils welcome this but some can find this difficult to cope with. We aim to make the transition from primary school into secondary as smooth and as enjoyable as possible. This process starts in Year 6.
Virtual Tour of the School
Free School Meals
If your child is in receipt of free school meals, please read the information below.
Some of the primary schools whose students will be attending King Edward VI School, Lichfield in September are not under Staffordshire Authority, and some are now Academies who have opted out of this Authority’s Free School Meal Service and instead operate their own.
- If your child is entitled to Free School Meals through Staffordshire Authority it will transfer in September
- If your primary school has opted out of Staffordshire Authority’s scheme and ran their own, you will have to reapply to Staffordshire
- If your child’s entitlement is through another Authority, i.e. Birmingham, Sandwell or Walsall you will have to apply to Staffordshire
Staffordshire online application form
Children's top ten worries about starting Secondary School
School Life
Find out more about school life here at King Edward VI School, Lichfield by clicking on the links below: