
Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, often repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.

Here at King Edward VI School, we are committed to promoting friendship and community values that encourage the support of all members of our school community and as a result we have a zero tolerance on any form of bullying and harmful language.

To report a bullying concern please scan the below QR code:

Our Anti-Bullying Policy outlines the various strategies we employ to deal with incidents of bullying, and to proactively reduce the chances of it happening.

Anti-Bullying Policy

United Against Bullying BRONZE School status

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

We are excited to present our team of anti-bullying ambassadors, representing students from different year groups across the school. The next phase of our work will be to explore how the anti-bullying team can raise awareness around issues of bullying, and to lead projects that continue to increase the quality of friendships in school; developing a shared understanding of what it is to be a compassionate member of our community, and how to ensure conflict is resolved successfully without damaging relationships over time.

A photo of seven students standing outside

The four main kinds of bullying include: Physical, Verbal, Emotional/Non-verbal, and Cyberbullying.

  • Physical – Hurting a person’s body (e.g. shoving, poking, throwing things, spitting, slapping, choking, punching, kicking, beating, stabbing, pulling hair, biting, scratching, scraping, pinching, threatened violence, or damaging possessions)
  • Verbal – Saying or writing mean things (e.g. name calling, including homophobic language, taunting, nasty teasing, insults, spreading malicious gossip)
  • Emotional/Non-verbal – Often accompanies physical or verbal bullying. (e.g. rude gestures, ignoring/excluding/isolating a pupil)
  • Cyberbullying – Involves using social media and the internet to spread rumours or post pictures/videos or fake websites/profiles. Also involves sending malicious emails or text messages on mobile phones

If you are being bullied or know someone who is, please let someone know.  You can email, or speak to a member of staff.