House System

On entry to the school each student is assigned to a House. The School Houses are Addison, Clinton, Darwin and Garrick.



Joseph Addison was born in 1673 and he attended King Edward VI School when it was a Grammar School. He is remembered for being a great essayist and poet. 

Heads of House - Mrs Watson and Miss Walker




Roger de Clinton was the Bishop of Lichfield in the 12th Century. He founded the priory which eventually housed the first grammar school. 

Heads of House - Mrs Purcell and Mr Turner 



Dr Erasmus Darwin was a physician, inventor, poet and botanist who established a practice in Lichfield in the 18th Century. He was also the grandfather of Charles Darwin. 

Heads of House - Mrs Bryan and Mr Bailey




David Garrick was a playwright and actor and also attended King Edward VI School when it was a Grammar School in the 18th Century. 

Heads of House - Mr Smith and Mrs Raines 




Throughout the year students compete against each other in a variety of sporting, musical, cooking and drama competitions. Houses gain points (known as 'Eddies') depending on how successful they are in these competitions. These points, along with achievement and behaviour points, are used to work out the most successful House over the duration of the academic year.

The winning house takes part in a celebration event on the last day of the summer term. Each House has an assembly per term which is led by the Heads of House and Sixth Form House Prefects.