
Emotional well-being and mental health are an integral part of the existing school values and vision.
Wellbeing Award for Schools (2022-2025)
Students are empowered to embrace and articulate wellbeing across a range of activities.
Wellbeing Award for Schools (2022-2025)
The whole school community is keen to continue working towards promoting and embedding a culture in which talking about emotional well-being and mental health becomes a norm.
Wellbeing Award for Schools (2022-2025)

Wellbeing is feeling and experiencing health, happiness and accomplishment. It includes having good physical and mental health, life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and ability to manage stress. To help you develop a sense of wellbeing you should make sure you look after yourself. 

Five ways to wellbeing 

  1. Give - Share with others; do a good deed. Giving activates the brain's feel-good pathways and gives a sense of connection with our communities
  2. Connect - With other people. Relationships are cornerstones of our lives and enhance our sense of belonging, self-worth and life satisfaction
  3. Be Active - Get up; get moving; enjoy a hobby. Activity boosts our mood, builds confidence and protects against cognitive decline
  4. Take Notice - Slow down; pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, senses and the world around you. Taking notice helps us to learn about our sense of belonging, self-worth and life satisfaction
  5. Challenge - Your mind; learn new skills. Learning boosts our self-confidence and broadens our horizons

 Think about the following….


Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Your mental health and wellbeing are important in the same way your physical health and wellbeing are. Mental health and wellbeing is on a spectrum that applies to everyone and is part of the human condition. There are days when you are feeling positive, happy and healthy and others when you are feeling sad, frustrated or angry and you might be struggling to cope. Wherever you are at and however you are feeling, there are always things you can do to maintain or improve your feelings of wellbeing. Things to consider:

  • Most negative feelings will pass
  • Being aware of how you feel is important, so that you can help yourself manage your wellbeing
  • There are lots of simple things you can do to support your wellbeing (see above)

Useful resources

Below you can find links to various websites, apps and other resources which help support student wellbeing.