Why Study With Us?

Our sixth form is a friendly and welcoming environment.
Current student
The teachers make lessons enjoyable and go out of their way to make sure we do the best we can.
Current student
The sixth form is the easiest place to settle into. As an external student I would recommend it.
Current student

Our students achieve excellent results. From their academic success, students progress onto various courses at university as well as higher level apprenticeships and employment. All our Sixth Form teachers are subject specialists and have developed a great deal of expertise in their area. Consequently, we receive highly positive feedback every year about the level of support that our students can access from their teachers.


  • The pass rates are amongst the best in Staffordshire
  • The overall pass rate in 2023 was over 98%
  • 47% of all grades were at A* - B (or equivalent)
  • Staff in the Sixth Form prioritise preparing students for life as independent lifelong learners and safe and responsible citizens (Ofsted October 2022)
  • Students successfully move on to higher education or apprenticeships (Ofsted October 2022)
  • In 2023 70% of Year 13 leavers attained a university place, with 80% of these being their first choice

By choosing King Edward VI, Sixth Form you will be opting to study in an environment where staff care about your personal development and your academic progress. We are committed to each individual student, so we put great stress on guidance, care and support. Each student will have daily access to a Form Tutor and Sixth Form Leadership Team comprising the Head of Sixth Form, an Achievement Leader for Year 12 and Year 13 and an Assistant Achievement Leader for Year 12 and Year 13. We work hard with you to make sure that decisions made are informed and wise.

Along with our academic success, we are proud to be a Sixth Form which has a strong sense of community; a place where everybody is valued, supported and encouraged to contribute to their community. Not only do our Sixth Form students act as role models to younger students within the school, but they also assist in organising whole school events in which students of all ages participate. Many students also take on additional responsibility by acting as Prefects, House Prefects and Mentors. Our students are excellent ambassadors for the School and Sixth Form in the local community and we are very proud of them.

We look forward to welcoming you to King Edward VI, Sixth Form where you will embark on the next stage of your education.

Mr D J Butler

Assistant Headteacher
Head of Sixth Form