
Why study A Level Physics?

It is no exaggeration to say that Physics is the study of everything in the physical world, from the smallest sub-atomic particle to the largest objects in the Universe. If that seems like an exciting prospect and if you enjoy knowledge for its own sake, Physics is definitely for you. We live in an increasingly technological world and Physics is right at the heart of it. Perhaps you are hoping to push forward the boundaries of technology in your future career, or maybe you just want to find out how things work. In either case, Physics is a great choice.

How will I be assessed?

There will be regular assessments of various kinds throughout the course, including formal examinations at the end of Year 12. The official AQA examinations will take place at the end of Year 13 and will cover all the topics studied in Year 12 and Year 13. There is no separate practical test in A Level Physics, but the examinations will include questions about experimental work. You will also be required to achieve a pass in at least twelve key practical activities throughout the course in order to receive the practical endorsement on your Certificate.

entry requirements

  • GCSE Grade 6 or above in either Combined Science or Physics plus a Grade 6 in one other science subject
  • GCSE Grade 7 or above in Mathematics

What skills will I gain from studying Physics?

  • Problem Solving
  • Communication Skills
  • Practical Skills
  • Mathematical Skills

Where can Physics lead?

To name but a few possible career paths:

  • Engineering
  • Research
  • Astronomy
  • Finance
  • Teaching

The A Level Physics course will equip you for further study or work in a huge range of science and technology fields. It will also make you a better informed citizen in our 21st century society. It is therefore a useful qualification for future Lawyers, Doctors, Architects, Journalists and Politicians, as well as the more obvious roles listed above.


The following members of staff form the Physics department at King Edwards:

Staff Member Job Title
Mrs J Bryant Head of Science and Teacher of Physics
Mr B Mills Head of Physics and Teacher of Physics