Religious Studies

Why study A Level Religious Studies?

  • It can be fun, challenging and stimulating
  • Follows mainstream scholarship in Ethics, Theology and Philosophy
  • Valuable qualification for anyone going on to Further Education
  • Gives an acquaintance with the history of ideas – valued by universities and employers
  • You confront real issues and make informed responses e.g. sexual ethics, euthanasia etc.

How will I be assessed?

There will be three exam papers at the end of the two-year course. Each paper will be two hours long where students will answer three questions from a choice of four.

entry requirements

  • You do not have to have a personal faith or religious conviction in order to study Religious Studies at A Level
  • You do not have to have studied Religious Studies at GCSE in order to be successful in it at A Level
  • A Grade 6 in either Religious Studies or English is required at GCSE

What skills will I gain from studying Philosophy and Applied Ethics (Religious Studies)?

  • The ability to think rationally and engage in rational debate – universities and employers value this
  • Enhances self-understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others
  • Analysis of lines of argument, weighing up the validity of arguments and ideas in context and reaching reasoned conclusions
  • Development of a critical line of argument
  • Discussion and presentation skills
  • Thinking outside the box

Where can Philosophy and Applied Ethics (Religious Studies) lead?

Anywhere! To a wide range of university courses and jobs – where people and/or ideas are at the heart . . . e.g. Medicine, Law, Hotel Management, Philosophy, Business, Journalism, International Development etc.


The following members of staff form the Religious Studies department at King Edwards:

Staff Member Job Title
Mr R Garner Head of Religious Studies
Mrs A Giles Second in Religious Studies
Miss M Danks Teacher of Religious Studies
Mrs A Brotherton Teacher of Religious Studies