Enrichment Activities

There are many opportunities for Sixth Form students to enhance and develop their personal and social skills through a variety of enrichment activities here at King Edward VI, Sixth Form.

Pastoral Programme

Throughout the year, students attend regular assemblies and tutor periods. During this time with their tutor, students follow an extensive pastoral programme designed to support their learning and develop their social awareness. We also have a number of visiting speakers who give their personal experience of events, as well as promoting activities, in which the Sixth Form can become involved.

Curriculum Enhancement Days

There are a number of days each academic year when the whole school is off timetable to take part in different activities. The Sixth Form complete a variety of activities including Health Education, Post-18 Options preparation and Life Skills. Students in the Sixth Form enjoy these different experiences as part of a rounded curriculum.

Work Experience and Volunteering

Many of our students organise work experience during Years 12 and 13. This may be career relevant, such as a placement in a hospital or can be giving something back to the community in general. A number of our students volunteer at Saxon Hill Community School.

Mentoring Younger Students

Sixth Form students have the opportunity to be mentors for younger students. The first year of secondary school is very important for the successful transition of students into Year 7. Sixth Form students are trained to be mentors to support students during this time and make their transition as smooth as possible.

Sixth Form Reading Group

The Sixth Form Reading Group regularly meets at Lichfield Library. Both Year 12 and Year 13 students read a book, usually chosen by the group and then discuss it together. Students have really enjoyed this opportunity to discuss favourites and discover new authors.

Debating Society

The Debating Society meets on a regular basis to discuss the issues of the day. The team competes in a number of competitions across the area including Debating Matters and the Michael Fabricant Public Speaking Competition. Previous teams have enjoyed great success, including winning individual speaker prizes and being selected for regional finals.

School Productions

The school has a proud history of excellent school productions and Sixth Form students play a large role in their success. Whether a budding actor or no experience, there will be a role for you to take on in the play itself or the background preparations and running of the show.

Senior Choir and Band

The Music department runs a huge variety of different ensembles and clubs throughout the school. Specifically, for Sixth Form, the senior choir and band practice perform many numbers for school events. These groups make a much valued contribution to Dedication Day, the Spring Concert, the Summer Festival and school productions to name a few.

Sports Teams

Students in the Sixth Form can join one or more of a number of sports teams that are run by the PE department. These include football, rugby, hockey, basketball, cross country and many more.