Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Ofsted 2022
Ofsted 2022
Ofsted 2022

King Edward VI School, Lichfield is committed to the education of all students. In order to support students we are focused on delivering Quality First Teaching in the classroom and promoting inclusive education. In order to support this process, we work with primary schools to gather information, we use standardised assessments in Years 7 and 9 to support our understanding of students' needs as well as working with teaching staff if there is a concern. The department maintains a confidential register of learning support so that all staff are aware of support a student may require. 

Our SENCo is Mrs K Pemberton.

Details of how we support students with Special Educational Needs can be found through the following link to our SEN information report on Staffordshire County Council’s website.

We are proud of the achievements of students on the SEN register. Alongside academic achievements our students develop socially, emotionally and grow in independence.

Intervention is targeted based on student need and is closely evaluated; the focus of all interventions is to develop strategies that will positively impact students across the whole curriculum. 


We have a secure transition process whether your student is transferring to us in Year 7 or within the academic year. Gathering information from all parties involved in the student’s care is paramount to ensuring the student feels confident in their own abilities from day one.

Access Arrangements

Access arrangements are pre-agreed reasonable adjustments that are made to exams, tests and assessments for individual candidates. Access arrangements are in place to ensure that all candidates are able to access exams, tests and assessments, and have the same opportunities to demonstrate their skills and abilities, as other candidates. If your child is eligible for access arrangements, they will be assessed and parents will be informed.


A lack of focus and maturity is a normal stage of development in children. If your child is struggling to focus in school, simple changes can help them, we have put together the below presentation with guidance to follow if you are worried your child may have ADHD.

ADHD presentation

The SEN Team

Who's who? Role
Mrs K Pemberton Head of Learning Support/SENCo
Mrs R Booker Assistant SENCo
Ms J Allen Teaching Staff
Mrs E Eaton  SENCo Support Administrator
Mrs H Elson Learning Support Assistant
Mrs R Flint Learning Support Assistant
Mrs S Goss Learning Support Assistant
Mrs C Lake Learning Support Assistant
Miss K Lester Learning Support Assistant 
Mrs L Nicholas Learning Support Assistant
Mrs P Pegg Learning Support Assistant
Mrs P Saxton Teaching Staff
Mrs N Suguro Nevado Learning Support Assistant
Mrs S Stonehouse Learning Support Assistant
Mrs M Williams Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Katy Pemberton
Mrs Rachel Booker
Assistant SENCo/Learning Hub Manager