Code of Conduct


Our Aims and Values 

We want everyone in school to develop to their full potential; it is our job to ensure that students leave us as confident, life-long learners who have a strong sense of responsibility for themselves and for others.

We are a learning community with a positive, inclusive and friendly environment, where we take the time to get to know our students so we can support their learning and their personal development. We seek to develop a strong partnership between students, parents/carers and the school to enable this to take place. We encourage all stakeholders to involve themselves in the wider life of the school and its community.

Our overriding aim is to provide the highest quality education for all students. Our commitment is to help each young person to make the most of their abilities, building their character and developing their life skills. Students are challenged to do their best and are supported to ensure that they make good progress. In return, we expect a commitment to high standards of effort and behaviour.

To support us in achieving our aims, the staff, students and governors designed and agreed the following Code of Conduct and our Principles of Learning and Teaching.


Code of Conduct: How We Live

As a member of King Edward VI School, Lichfield I aim to be :


  • Respectful towards others and the environment
  • Enthusiastic and engaged
  • Smart and presentable
  • Proud to be part of King Edward VI School, Lichfield
  • Equipped to learn
  • Community-minded
  • Trying hard, aiming high


Principles of Learning and Teaching: How We Learn
  • Share in and celebrate success
  • High quality progress and success are recognised by reviewing, identifying and celebrating learning
  • Teamwork for environment and achievement
  • Our school environment allows everyone to flourish
  • Reflect on learning to consider how work is successful and how it can be improved
  • Everyone understands that a resilient and resourceful approach can help to improve and develop learning
  • Inspire one another to learn and flourish
  • Everyone understands the learning aims and their link to prior learning
  • Value our school, value ourselves, value the community
  • Everyone is willing and able to participate fully
  • Equip everyone with skills for life

Now that you are in the Sixth Form things change. The aim of this Code is to help you and your parents/carers to manage the changes that you will experience in order to be successful in Post-16 Education. In the Sixth Form we recognise the importance to students of having a greater freedom and individual control of your learning. However, there is a difficult balance between such freedoms and maintaining the disciplined approach needed for success in the very demanding ‘world’ of Post-16 Education. Many of the aspects covered in this Code are common sense ideas but we hope that by following it will help students find the ideal balance to be happy and successful in their learning.

Our aim – WHAM (Work Hard, Achieve More)

Our aim is for all students in the Sixth Form to work hard and achieve more. We want all students in the Sixth Form to develop to their full potential. We follow the whole school policies on attendance, punctuality and behaviour.


Students are expected to work hard and meet deadlines so they can maximise their achievement in their subjects. If students do not meet deadlines, sanctions will take place, as in the School behaviour policy. In order to maximise their achievement, students are expected to:


  • Be prepared, equipped and organised for lessons
  • Work hard at all the subjects they study
  • Complete all homework and coursework on time and to the best of their ability
  • Use a diary to keep organised and manage deadlines
  • Make effective use of private study time

Where there are concerns regarding achievement, both students and parents/carers will be advised of our concerns.


Students have the privilege of parking on site in the Sixth Form car park. Permission to park may be withdrawn if you show irresponsible behaviour. All students must complete a driver registration form in order to use the car park and display their Parking Permit clearly on the dashboard when using the Sixth Form Car Park. You must:


  • Park sensibly and consider others
  • Not park on any staff or public car parks
  • Drive safely and carefully, considering the safety of others

The school accepts no responsibility for the cars of students or their contents whilst parked on the school premises.

Site access

During the school day, Johnson gate will be locked. If students wish to arrive and leave through this gate during the day, they need to provide a deposit for a fob via ParentPay. These are then collected from Mrs Gillson. If Students return their fob at the end of their studies, the deposit is returned.

Private Study

Independent learning and study is essential to being a successful Sixth Form student. To encourage independent learning, students can have private study. These are ‘non-contact’ lessons where students are to work independently.

Students will be in school full time, until they have developed the independent learning skills to be successful in their studies.

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and punctuality are monitored closely in the Sixth Form; this monitoring is to ensure students are coping with the responsibility of managing their own time along with demonstrating the necessary commitment to their studies to enable them to be successful. Where there are concerns regarding attendance and punctuality, both students and parents/carers will be advised of our concerns. The School expects a minimum attendance rate of 96%.


  • You must attend all lessons and tutorial sessions when in school
  • You must attend all registration sessions and assemblies
  • If you arrive in registration after 8:50 you will be marked as late
  • A driving practical test is an authorised absence
  • Driving lessons and routine medical appointments are not allowed during school time
  • You are not allowed to miss school for any reason linked to part-time work
  • Your parents must text the school on 07860 034183 to explain any absence
  • You must not assume, because a member of staff is absent, that the lesson is not taking place
  • You must report to the lesson as usual, unless told otherwise


Sixth Form Students are expected to behave in a mature and responsible way, both in lessons and around the School Site. Students are reminded that they are now in a position of responsibility and that they should set an example to younger students in school. The School will not tolerate poor, childish behaviour from Sixth Form Students. The School Behaviour Code applies to all Sixth Form Students:


  • You must show respect to yourself, staff and other students
  • You must respect the school’s resources and environment
  • No smoking or vaping is allowed in or around the school. Students are not allowed to consume alcohol during school hours
  • Students who are repeatedly: late to lessons/registration, using a mobile phone outside of the common room or not following the uniform code, will complete a detention

Common Room and Library Resource Centre

The Sixth Form Common Room is a communal social space for use by both Year 12 and 13 students. This facility is a privilege and students are reminded of the need for them to act in a sensible and courteous way when in this environment. Sixth Form students are responsible for maintaining the tidy appearance of this room, however, regrettably if a small number of students choose to disrespect this facility, it will result in the removal of this privilege for all, and therefore ‘collective’ responsibility is encouraged.


  • Do not damage the Common Room or furniture in any way; this includes defacing displays
  • Put all litter in bins provided
  • Do not play ball games in the Common Room – ball games are only permitted outside during break and lunchtimes
  • Music must not be played during lesson times. No distasteful photos or posters. Graffiti is not acceptable
  • There is an expectation that Students will make ‘productive’ use of their time whilst in the Common Room
  • If Students borrow a laptop, they must use it responsibly and return it

Sixth Form Students are provided with a separate work area in the LRC to enable them to have access to a quiet study environment and to use facilities specifically purchased by the School to aid Sixth Form study. Students are once again reminded that this resource must be respected and used in an appropriate way.


  • Food and drink are strictly prohibited in the LRC
  • The Sixth Form area should be left as you would wish to find it – please put litter in the bin and put resources back where you found them
  • Mobile phones should always be switched off unless you are using them in the Common Room

Dress Code

All Students in the Sixth Form are to wear their Photo ID Lanyard at all times. Students must wear their lanyard to all examinations.

The Sixth Form Uniform Code is based on an ‘agreement’ between The School and its Students and therefore we expect all Sixth Form Students to comply. Failure to dress in an appropriate way is deemed unacceptable and Students are punished accordingly. When a Student repeatedly ignores the Uniform Code they will be asked to leave the School Site and return when in more suitable attire. This action results in Students missing important lessons and should be avoided. Where Students are experiencing difficulties in maintaining their uniform they should discuss the issue with their Form Tutor.

Sixth form uniform

Events and Trips

Throughout the year, the Sixth Form take part in a variety of trips and events. These can include:


  • All visits (including residential trips) which take place during the holidays or a weekend
  • Off-site sporting fixtures outside the school day
  • All off-site activities

The school will send you information about each trip or activity before it takes place.

You can, if you wish, tell the school that you do not want your child to take part in any particular school trip or activity.
Written parental consent will not be requested from you for the majority of off-site activities offered by the school as such activities are part of the school’s curriculum and usually take place during the normal school day.

By signing this Code of Conduct you also give permission for students to study independently at home during their study periods, once school has awarded students this privilege.

As young adults, the Sixth Form are given the responsibility to make their way to and from events independently where appropriate. Students and parents/carers should make individual arrangements about when students are expected to return home.

Parents/carer’s Responsibilities

The support of parents is crucial to the success of students in the Sixth Form.

As part of the Code of Conduct we ask parents/carers to aim to:


  • Ensure my child attends school regularly, is punctual and wears the correct uniform
  • Help and support my child with organisation, as they take on more independent study
  • Maintain contact with the school
  • Support and reinforce the school’s behaviour code and Sixth Form Code of Conduct
  • Provide a suitable environment for homework and coursework and take an interest in the work my child is doing

Unfortunately ignoring this Code of Conduct will result in individual sanctions.

Continuation of Study Policy

We have a continuation of study policy because we want the best outcome for our students.

In order to continue with their studies in the Sixth Form, students must follow the agreed Code of Conduct. Attendance, attainment and behaviour will be monitored on a regular basis.

Attendance that falls below 90% is a serious concern and will put a student’s place at risk.

Students are not allowed to repeat a year unless there are serious extenuating circumstances.

No single assessment will result in a student not being allowed to continue their studies. However, if a student continually fails their assessments in school (including their mock examinations) and there is no improvement following agreed interventions, there is no viable programme for a student to follow in school.

Interventions take place in the following ways:


  • Subject teacher → Second/Head of Department → Assistant Achievement/ Achievement Leader →Senior Leadership Team
  • Form tutor → Assistant Achievement/ Achievement Leader → Senior Leadership Team

Parents/guardians are kept informed in the following ways:


  • Email
  • Telephone call
  • Letter
  • Parents Evenings

Students will be given the opportunity to improve their attendance, attainment and behaviour patterns.

If following intervention and communication there is no measurable improvement we will help to arrange alternative educational provision and the student will not be able to continue with their Sixth Form studies at King Edward VI School, Lichfield.